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Pictured: Distributing event flyers and posters, Mary Jane Schoenheider reminds us that the Palos Verdes Concours is only THREE weeks away.
Our canned-goods collection continies
for our Food for Kids program.
BRING ITEMS THIS WEEK and every Friday.
Speakers' Calendar
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Prez Keith says . . .
Congratulations again to Don and Donna Duperon who celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary last Friday.
Hope you can join us this Friday to hear Michael Rounds tell us how to weather the recession. He is the author of the book Whadda we do now? You will not want to miss Michael.
My personal thanks to the following Club members who are committed sponsors to our Educator-of-the -Year signature event: Christine Barnicki, Bruce Attig, Hang-up Moon, John Polen, Bob Gulcher, Norton Donner, Jim Hartman, Joan Behrens, Les Fishman, Jackie Ignon, John Schuricht, Harry Kitter, and John Cameron. Corporate sponsors to date include: DK Kim Foundation, TMCC Health Foundation, Providence Little Company of Mary, SCE, Bay Cities Bank, Malaga Bank, State Farm Insurance, and Toyota Motors. Harry Kitter will bring us up to date on Friday. It is not too late to contact Harry or Suzy Zimmerman if you wish to be a sponsor.
Do not forget our "Food for Kids Drive." Bring those non-perishable food items.
Check the district website for upcoming events. Picnic is September 12. Check it out. Picnic presents an opportunity to "dunk" the bigger, better, bolder Governor Doug.
See you Friday! Remember we are DARK the following week, September 3.
See you Friday!
If You Missed Us on August 20
Open Spaces: Preserving Palos Verdes
--by Greg Sparkman
It was just another gorgeous Friday afternoon overlooking the Palos Verdes first tee. AND THEN A BELL RANG OUT!!! But it was just resident Keith calling the meeting to order. After a few brief opening comments to warm up the crowd, Ayrn Sieber was introduced for our opening invocation. Aryn was followed by Derald Sidler, who led the Pledge of Allegiance. Charlie Elias must have peeked outside before approaching the podium for our song. "America the Beautiful" was his choice and the members' voices sounded to this reporter to be in fine form.
AND THEN EVERYONE COLLAPSED!!! .Back into their chairs for a fine lunch. The talk was about Don and Donna Duperon's 50th wedding anniversary. That's not possible is it? That's what I thought I heard, as I was conducting an interview out in the hall, so the editor may need to make a correction in next week's edition. Congrats to Donna and Don, regardless, for wonderful achievement!
Food and conversation continued for bit longer, when Keith got the show back on the road by bringing John LaBella up for guest intros. Donna Duperon and Phyllis Pelezzare introduced their guests. They were followed by Aryn Sieber, who introduced his son, Eric, who was attending with his very pretty wife, Lauren. AND THEN A SOLDIER STORMED THE PODIUM!!! But it turned out to be Eric, who was invited to the microphone to speak to the club. Back from Afghanistan, where he and his team were recipients of a goody box from our club members, Eric thanked the club members in person. He recounted how the goodies meant a lot to his team, and helped their relationship with local Afghani children and local leaders. Welcome back, Eric, who will be returning with Lauren back to their Atlanta, Georgia home after a bit more vacation.
Gary Tossel reported visiting past member Ed Clay who gives a shout out to all the ladies in the club on his 93rd birthday. (See photo and additional info below.) Jackie Ignon announced the signups for Rotary in the Home for this Rotary Year. If you missed last week's signups, be sure to join us this Friday for another chance to signup for these fun evenings. Carolyn Lehr let members know that RPV is looking for residents who would like to take part on the Citizen Finance Advisory Board. Get in touch with Carolyn if you'd like to be a part of RPV planning.
President Keith then brought Derald Sidler up to the podium where he was presented with a real, cashable check from the Palos Verdes Peninsula Rotary Foundation for the 2010 College Bound Scholarship: $4,000.00. Derald reported on our previous scholarship winners who are all doing very well at their respective colleges.
Keith followed up that presentation with raffle where he EXPOSED NAKED WINES!!! Tony Cangas took home a bottle and Joan Behrens won the second bottle, which she gave to Eric and Lauren Sieber.
Our guest speaker was Andrea Vona, executive director of the Palos Verdes Land Conservancy. For the past 22 years the Conservancy has been working with the community to create and manage large blocks of natural open space, where visitors may enjoy peaceful solitude, where children and adults can learn about the natural environment, and where local native plants and animals will exist in a secure environment.
Today the Conservancy manages more than 1600 acres, and has been successful in rehabilitating endangered species such as the California Gnatchatcher and the Palos Verdes Blue butterfly.
Members can take part in the many education programs and nature walks available. Nature walks take place on every second Saturday each month. There are also many volunteer opportunities for those who want to assist in the preservation activities. You can get involved by becoming a member of the organization.
Paul Rubicam, Joan Behrens, and Greg O'Brien had questions for Ms. Vona. President Keith presented Ms. Vona with a picture and certificate for the wheel chair donation in her name.
AND THEN EVERYONE GOT UP AND WALKED OUT IN MASS!!!! After President Keith adjourned the meeting and wished all a great weekend.
Tossels Visit Ed Clay in Seattle
On August 22, Gary Tossell wrote:
"Sherrie and I had a cup of coffee with Ed Clay and his daughter Karen in Seattle last week. Ed cannot read but his mind is sharp! He would njoy hearing from any of our club members by phone. Ed's # 425 453 7786."